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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/24/21 Abounding in the work of the Lord, In the Church Yeater, Alan Sermon N/A Sun AM 20211024_Abounding_in_the_work_of_the_Lord_In_the_Church.pdf 20211024_Abounding_in_the_work_of_the_Lord_In_the_Church.mp3
10/17/21 Many members, but one body (1 Corinthians 12.12-27) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20211017pm_Many_members_but_one_body.mp3
10/17/21 Pure & Undefiled Religion (James 1.21-27) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20211017am_Pure__Undefiled_Religion_James_1.21-27.pdf 20211017am_Pure__Undefiled_Religion_James_1.21-27.mp3
10/10/21 Women in the Local Church Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20211010pm_Women_in_the_Local_Church.pdf 20211010pm_Women_in_the_Local_Church.mp3
10/10/21 Improving Our Giving (2 Corinthians 8.1-9) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20211010_Improving_Our_Giving_2_Corinthians_8.1-9.mp3 20211010am_Improving_Our_Giving_2_Corinthians_8.1-9.pdf
10/03/21 Satan’s Handiwork Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20211003pm_Satans_Handiwork.mp3 20211003pm_Satans_Handiwork.pdf
09/26/21 Growing Old and Going Home Wilson, Jim Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210926_Growing_Old_and_Going_Home.mp3
09/21/21 The Consequences of Error (1 Corinthians 15) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210919pm_The_Consequences_of_Error_1_Corinthians_15.mp3 20210919pm_The_Consequences_of_Error_1_Corinthians_15.pdf
09/19/21 Twenty Years Later Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210919am_Twenty_Years_Later.pdf 20210919am_Twenty_Years_Later.mp3
09/12/21 Life Is Hard Wilson, Jim Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210912am_Life_Is_Hard_Jim_Wilson.mp3
09/05/21 Congregational Discipline, Why? Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20210905pm_Congregational_Discipline_Why.mp3
09/05/21 Congregational Evangelism Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210905am_Congregational_Evangelism.pdf 20210905am_Congregational_Evangelism.mp3
08/29/21 Responding to Failure (1 John 1.5-10) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210829am_Responding_to_Failure.mp3
08/25/21 Saints at Home with God (Revelation 21-22) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210822_Saints_at_Home_with_God_Revelation_21-22.pdf 20210822_Saints_at_Home_with_God_Revelation_21-22.mp3
08/15/21 Vain Worship (Matthew 15.1-9) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210815am_Vain_Worship_Matthew_15.1-9.pdf 20210815am_Vain_Worship_Matthew_15.1-9.mp3
08/08/21 Do Not Lose Heart Niemeier, Steve Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210808_Do_Not_Lose_Heart_Steve_Niemeier.mp3
08/01/21 To Season & Shine (Matthew 9.36-38) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210801_To_Season__Shine_Mt_9.36-38.pdf 20210801_To_Season__Shine_Mt_9.36-38.mp3
07/25/21 The Temptations of Jesus (Matthew 4.1-11) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210725_Temptations_of_Jesus_Mt_4.1-11.pdf 20210725_Temptations_of_Jesus_Mt_4.1-11.mp3
07/18/21 Is the Bible Really God’s Word? (2) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210718_Is_the_Bible_Really_Gods_Word_2.pdf 20210718_Is_the_Bible_Really_Gods_Word_2.mp3
07/11/21 Is the Bible Really God’s Word? (1) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210711_Is_the_Bible_Really_Gods_Word_1.pdf 20210711_Is_the_Bible_Really_Gods_Word_1.m4a
07/04/21 The Day of the Lord WILL Come (2 Peter 3) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20210704_The_Day_of_the_Lord_WILL_Come_2_Peter_3.pdf 20210704_The_Day_of_the_Lord_WILL_Come_2_Peter_3.m4a
06/27/21 Final Concerns (Ephesians 6.18-24) Junkin, Colby Gospel Meeting Studies in the Book of Ephesians Sun PM 202106273_Final_Concerns_Colby_Junkin.pdf 202106273_Final_Concerns_Colby_Junkin.mp3
06/27/21 A Christian’s Walk (Ephesians 5.1-21) Junkin, Colby Gospel Meeting Studies in the Book of Ephesians Sun AM 202106272_A_Christians_Walk_Colby_Junkin.pdf 202106272_A_Christians_Walk_Colby_Junkin.mp3
06/27/21 The New Man (Ephesians 4.17-32) Junkin, Colby Gospel Meeting Studies in the Book of Ephesians Sun Bible Study 202106271_The_New_Man_Colby_Junkin.pdf 202106271_The_New_Man_Colby_Junkin.mp3
06/26/21 And you…but God… (Ephesians 2.1-10) Junkin, Colby Gospel Meeting Studies in the Book of Ephesians Gospel Meeting 6-26-21_And_you.but_God_Outline.pdf 20210626_And_you_but_God_Colby_Junkin.mp3

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