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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/21/20 As for you, my son (1 Chronicles 28.9) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200621_As_for_you_my_son._1_Chronicles_28.9.pdf 20200621_As_for_you_my_son._1_Chronicles_28.9.mp3
06/14/20 Responding Righteously Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200614_Responding_Righteously.pdf 20200614_Responding_Righteously.mp3
05/31/20 That Which Costs Me Nothing (2 Samuel 24.24) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200531_That_Which_Costs_Me_Nothing_2_Samuel_24.24.pdf 20200531_That_Which_Costs_Me_Nothing_2_Samuel_24.24.mp3
05/24/20 Recipe for Disaster (2 Samuel 11.1-5) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200524_Recipe_for_Disaster_2_Samuel_11.1-5.pdf 20200524_Recipe_for_Disaster_2_Samuel_11.1-5.mp3
05/17/20 Strengthened in the LORD (1 Samuel 30.6) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200517_Strengthened_in_the_LORD_1_Samuel_30.6.pdf 20200517_Strengthened_in_the_LORD_1_Samuel_30.6.mp3
05/10/20 It Cost the Kingdom (1 Samuel 15) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200510_It_Cost_the_Kingdom_1Sam_15.pdf 20200510_It_Cost_the_Kingdom_1Sam_15.mp3
05/03/20 Give Us a King (1 Samuel 8.6) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200503_Give_Us_a_King_1_Samuel_8.6.pdf 20200503_Give_Us_a_King_1_Samuel_8.6.mp3
04/19/20 Wisdom From Above Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200419_Wisdom_From_Above.pdf 20200419_Wisdom_From_Above.mp3
04/12/20 The Seriousness of Serving the Lord (Joshua 24.1-28) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200412_The_Seriousness_of_Serving_the_Lord_Joshua_24.1-28.pdf 20200412_The_Seriousness_of_Serving_the_Lord_Joshua_24.1-28.mp3
04/05/20 Secret and Revealed Things (Deuteronomy 29.29) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200405_Secret_and_Revealed_Things_Dt_29.29_slides.pdf 20200405_Secret_and_Revealed_Things_Dt_29.29_outline.pdf 20200405_Secret_and_Revealed_Things_Dt_29.29_audio.mp3
03/29/20 Who Is NOT a Christian? Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200329_Who_Is_NOT_a_Christian_slides.pdf 20200329_Who_Is_NOT_a_Christian_outline.pdf 20200329_Who_Is_NOT_a_Christian.mp3
03/22/20 A Serpent and A Savior (Numbers 21.4-9; John 3.14-18) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM Serpent_and_A_Savior_A_Num_21.4-9_Jn_3.14-18.pdf 20200322_A_Serpent_and_A_Savior_Num_21.4-9_Jn_3.14-18.pdf 20200322_A_Serpent_and_A_Savior_Num_21.4-9_Jn_3.14-18.mp3
03/15/20 Agreement With God (Numbers 13-14) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20200315_PM_Agreement_With_God_Num_13-14.pdf 20200315_PM_Agreement_With_God_Num_13-14.mp3
03/15/20 God Give Us Christian Homes Betkijian, Greg Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200315_AM_God_Give_Us_Christian_Homes_Greg_Betkijian.mp3
03/08/20 Blessing and Curse (Leviticus 26) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20200308_PM_Blessing_and_Curse_Leviticus_26.pdf 20200308_PM_Blessing_and_Curse_Leviticus_26.mp3
03/08/20 Love Your Neighbor As Yourself (Leviticus 19.9-18) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200308_AM_Love_Your_Neighbor_As_Yourself_Leviticus_19.9-18.pdf 20200308_AM_Love_Your_Neighbor_As_Yourself_Leviticus_19.9-18.mp3
03/01/20 The Glory of the LORD (Exodus 40.34) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20200301_PM_The_Glory_of_the_LORD_Exodus_40.34.pdf 20200301_PM_The_Glory_of_the_LORD_Exodus_40.34.mp3
02/09/20 Complete In Christ (Colossians 2.8-10) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM Complete_In_Christ_Colossians_2.8-10.mp3 Complete_In_Christ_Colossians_2.8-10.pdf
02/09/20 Beating Around the Bush (Exodus 3-4) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM Beating_Around_the_Bush_Exodus_3-4.pdf Beating_Around_the_Bush_Exodus_3-4.mp3
02/02/20 God Meant It For Good (Genesis 50.20) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20200202_God_Meant_It_For_Good_Genesis_50.20.mp3
02/02/20 Beginnings of the Gospel Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200202_Beginnings_of_the_Gospel.pdf 20200202_Beginnings_of_the_Gospel.mp3
01/19/20 Accurately Handling the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2.15) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM Accurately_Handling_the_Word_of_Truth_2_Timothy_2.15.pdf Accurately_Handling_the_Word_of_Truth_2_Timothy_2.15.mp3
01/12/20 Like the Days of Noah (Matthew 24.37) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20200112_Like_the_Days_of_Noah_Matthew_24.37.pdf 20200112_Like_the_Days_of_Noah_Matthew_24.37.mp3
01/12/20 Life in the Local Church Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20200112_Life_in_the_Local_Church.pdf 20200112_Life_in_the_Local_Church.mp3
01/05/20 Our Enemy’s Greatest Ally Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20200105_Our_Enemys_Greatest_Ally.mp3 20200105_Our_Enemys_Greatest_Ally.pdf

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