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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/12/19 Running To Win! (1 Corinthians 9.24-27) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM Running_To_Win_1Cor_9.24-27.pdf Running_To_Win_1Cor_9.24-27.mp3
05/05/19 Where's Your Focus? Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190505_PM_Wheres_Your_Focus.pdf 20190505_PM_Wheres_Your_Focus.mp3
05/05/19 With David in the School of Prayer Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190505_AM_With_David_in_the_School_of_Prayer.pdf 20190505_AM_With_David_in_the_School_of_Prayer.mp3
04/28/19 Do Not Fret Because of Evildoers (Psalm 37) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190428_AM_Do_Not_Fret_Because_of_Evildoers_Psalm_37.mp3 20190428_AM_Do_Not_Fret_Because_of_Evildoers_Psalm_37.pdf
04/21/19 Our Citizenship is in Heaven Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190421_PM_Our_Citizenship_is_in_Heaven.pdf 20190421_PM_Our_Citizenship_is_in_Heaven.mp3
04/21/19 Presumption or Power? Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190421_AM_Presumption_or_Power.pdf 20190421_AM_Presumption_or_Power.mp3
04/14/19 So What About Baptism? Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190414_AM_Baptism.pdf 20190414_AM_Baptism.mp3
04/07/19 Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge Rich, Alan Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190407_AM_Destroyed_For_Lack_of_Knowledge_Alan_Rich.mp3
04/07/19 The Devices of Satan Betkijian, Greg Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190407_PM_The_Devices_of_Satan_Greg_Betkijian.mp3
03/31/19 Feed My Sheep Wilson, Jim Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190331_AM_Feed_My_Sheep_Jim_Wilson.mp3
03/24/19 Plugging In Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190324_AM_Plugging_In.pdf 20190324_AM_Plugging_In.mp3
03/10/19 Idolatry Paschall, Jeremy Sermon Heart Disease Sun PM Idolatry.pdf Idolatry.mp3
03/10/19 Loving Like the Lord (John 13.1-17) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM Loving_Like_the_Lord_Jn_13.1-17.pdf Loving_Like_the_Lord_Jn_13.1-17.mp3
03/03/19 Identity Crisis Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM Identity_Crisis.pdf Identity_Crisis.mp3
03/03/19 Perspectives On Worship Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM Perspectives_On_Worship.mp3
02/24/19 Constrained By Grace Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM Constrained_By_Grace.pdf Constrained_By_Grace.mp3
02/17/19 Who May Ascend into the Hill of the Lord? (Psalm 24) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM Who_May_Ascend_into_the_Hill_of_the_Lord_Ps_24.pdf Who_May_Ascend_into_the_Hill_of_the_Lord_Ps_24.mp3
02/10/19 Praise is Becoming to the Upright (Psalm 33) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM Praise_is_Becoming_to_the_Upright_Ps_33_.pdf Praise_is_Becoming_to_the_Upright_Ps_33_.mp3
02/10/19 An Easy Gospel? Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM An_Easy_Gospel.pdf An_Easy_Gospel.mp3
02/03/19 Unforgiveness (2) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon Heart Disease Sun PM 20190203_Unforgiveness_2.pdf 20190203_Unforgiveness_2.mp3
02/03/19 Lessons Learned from Exodus 32 Morgan, John Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190203_Lessons_Learned_from_Exodus_32.mp3
01/27/19 Unforgiveness Paschall, Jeremy Sermon Heart Disease Sun AM 20190127_Unforgiveness.pdf 20190127_Unforgiveness.mp3
01/20/19 The Body of Christ Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM 20190120_The_Body_of_Christ.pdf 20190120_The_Body_of_Christ.mp3
01/20/19 Great Is The Lord (Psalm 145) Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun AM 20190120_Great_Is_The_Lord_Ps_145.pdf 20190120_Great_Is_The_Lord_Ps_145.mp3
01/13/19 Blessed Assurance Paschall, Jeremy Sermon N/A Sun PM Blessed_Assurance.mp3

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